1. You know things are bad when the Temple of Moloch, er, I mean Planned Parenthood, is pleased with the people being appointed by the 100% anti-life President-elect. What's really bad is that they're talking about his foreign policy team, not those who will be doing evil on the domestic front. But wait a minute, weren't we assured that there was little a President could do to affect abortion?
2. Yet another study that proves that abortion has a negative effect on the mental health of the mother. Watch now as the medical/psychological establishment continues to ignore reality. Can that be healthy for them?
3. The depraved pro-abortion front group "Catholics for Choice" is sponsoring disgusting "World AIDS Day" ads directed at Hispanics to promote condom use, with the slogan "Good Catholics Use Condoms". They say that the Church “has not always been honest about sex”. Maybe it's me, but I can't figure out what's dishonest about this message -- you should only have sex within a lifelong monogamous marriage, and any sexual activity outside of marriage is wrong and dangerous. What's really dishonest is to give people the false sense of security that a thin sheath of latex will insulate a person from the emotional and physical consequences of promiscuity.
4. If you can handle a glimpse into the heart of evil, read this chilling column from the UK by a person who coldly justifies killing handicapped children because it's best for them and their families. This woman needs prayers, and so does our society, if this kind of attitude is "mainstream" enough to be published in a major newspaper.
5. Have they all lost their marbles in the UK? Now the Catholic schools are going to set up separate prayer rooms and toilets for those of other faiths. No. Just no.
6. Blogged last night on my official ArchNY blog about threats to freedom of conscience -- "Sit Down and Shut Up"
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