1. Important new document from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on bioethical issues. A short summary is on the USCCB website. This will now be the benchmark for all further discussions. I read it quickly this morning and note that they disapprove of the adoption of so-called "snowflake babies" -- allowing couples to adopt nd bring to birth embryos that have been frozen and abandoned.
2. Efforts are increasing around the country to defund the Temple of Moloch, er, I mean Planned Parenthood. Good luck -- the new Congress and Administration are likely to find all sorts of ways to increase funding streams the Temple of Moloch, committed as they are to the death cult it practices.
3. Unwilling as they are to engage in fair and open debate, the same sex "marriage" proponents in the New Jersey state government have resorted to the old-fashioned "stacking the deck" approach, filling a "commission" with advocates and then pretending that the resulting report is neutral and definitive. The NJ Catholic Conference calls them on it. The whole argument in favor of SSM is completely riddled with lies, half-truths, and distortions from start to finish. They should just come out and admit the truth -- they want power, and when they get it, they'll stick it to their opponents.
4. This is mind-boggling, even for those of us who are completely jaded about the Catholicity of universities "in the Jesuit tradition" and of the Society of Jesus itself -- the Jesuit University of San Francisco is voluntarily offering abortion insurance coverage to students and staff, and is thus formally cooperating in grave evil. Remember the meditation on "The Two Standards" from the Spiritual Exercises -- the one where we are asked to decide which standard we will fight under, Jesus' or Satan's? Guess which one they've chosen.
5. There is absolutely nothing that our culture will not commercialize. When you pay women to donate eggs, or to be surrogates, guess what -- they'll line up to sell themselves.
6. Gotta love the headline: "Seminary Discovers Latin". I didn't know it was lost. Anyway, a nice story about how some at Mt. St. Mary's Seminary celebrated the Extraordinary Form of the Mass for the first time in decades.
7. Our Lady of Guadalupe, please pray for us. And please pray especially for Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, who has had a recurrence of his cancer.
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