2. The Temple of Moloch, er, I mean Planned Parenthood, is once again caught red handed conspiring to cover up the rape of a child, in order to cash in on the abortion. All with government funding. With complete impunity. Waiting for indictments or investigations? Don't hold your breath.
3. The leadership of the Party of Herod and the transition team for the 100% anti-life President-elect are giving hints as to their plans for January. At the top of the list is expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research. But he was supposed to be more pro-life than the other guy!
4. From the "You Have Got to Be Kidding" department. Elliot Spitzer has been engaged as a new political columnist for Slate online. Here's the best part: the column will be called "The Best Policy". I seem to remember an old saying that "honesty is the best policy". Perhaps they could enlighten us about his particular qualifications to write about honesty in public or private life, because they are far from self-evident.
5. Stop the presses! Breaking news, and Time Magazine has it cold -- the Pope is Catholic! Film at 11.
6. This is an odd toy -- an online calculator that will assess your risk of divorce. Mine came out so low that it was "N/A". Whew.
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