Thursday, March 5, 2009

Two Demonstrations of the Verb "To Bishop"

1. Archbishop Naumann of Kansas City speaks out about the appointment of a member of his flock, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to be Secretary of HHS. Here's his latest column as well. How much clearer can you get? "Repent and believe in the Gospel!"

Bishop Martino of Scranton once again demonstrates that the fundamental task of a Catholic bishop is to hand on the faith that comes to us once for all from the Apostles. This time, he addresses the "Diversity Institute" at a local "Catholic" college, speaking of its responsibility to transmit Catholic teaching, and not mere moral relativism. Here's his closing line: "My job as a Bishop is to promulgate the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church to all the faithful. I will continue to do so."

3. Interesting analysis of the "Catholic vote" in the Wall Street Journal. I'm not sold on the idea that Catholics gave the 100% anti-life candidate a pass because he's not Catholic. I think it's much more likely that they were focusing on other issues and didn't believe he'd be as radical as his record indicated. Now that they can see him as he really is, I'm betting on significant buyer's remorse.

4. The clinic director involved in that horrific botched abortion case in Florida has been charged with the odd crimes of practicing medicine without a license and tampering with evidence (presumably by disposing of the body). Since the baby was born alive (autopsy revealed air in the lungs), and she killed her either directly or by depraved indifference to human life, the appropriate charge is murder or manslaughter.

5. Here's a good summary of where we are with the issue of conscience protection for heatlh care workers, especially in light of the federal regulations which are about to be rescinded by the Administration. It's important to remember that the pressure on doctors, nurses, social workers, etc. doesn't just come from the government, but from their own professional organizations, which seek to impose "ethics" rules that would require complicity in abortion in the name of respecting "patient autonomy" and other similar concepts. Some states are strengthening their conscience protections for health care workers. This will be valuable not just for the pending recission of the regulations, but for the effects of health care "reform" or the passage of bills like RHAPP or FOCA.

6. More insanity from the UK. Now IVF moms can name anyone on the birth certificate as the "father", including another female. So what does "father" mean any more? As Inigo Montoya said, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

7. Judaism gets Lindsay Lohan, who's converting to please her girlfriend. We get Newt Gingrich, whose converting to share the faith of his Catholic wife. It's a tough call, but all told, I think we're ahead on this one.

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