1. Continuing not to surprise anyone who was paying attention, the 100% anti-life President will now rescind the conscience protection regulations enacted by the previous Administration. What weak federal conscience protections are already in place just got weaker, since the regulations would have put some enforcement teeth into them. And just in time for our next item.
2. The President has also formally announced that Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius will be his Health and Human Services Secretary. You must look at the picture that accompanies the Catholic News Agency story that I link to. It shows the Governor -- who is ostensibly a Catholic -- posing at her mansion with notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller, for whom the Governor hosted a fund-raiser/tribute (and who was subsequently indicted for his activities). Due to her anti-life policies, Gov. Sebelius was instructed by her Bishop not to present herself for Communion. Now she will oversee health care policy for the United States, including shaping the national health insurance proposal, research grants (e.g., stem cell research), and enforcement of conscience laws. God help us.
3. The Catholic quislings who love to talk about "abortion reduction (without doing anything to reduce abortions)" will be crowing about Gov. Sebelius' "pro-life" credentials because she supposedly favored policies that encouraged pregnant women who had decided to carry their babies to term. Of course, she also opposed any real restrictions on abortion and never did anything to directly restrict or regulate abortion. For yet another debunking of the "abortion reduction" argument, see here.
4. And if "pro-choice" advocates really want to reduce abortions, then why wouldn't they oppose this Missouri bill aimed at preventing coerced abortions? Perhaps we'll try to introduce a similar bill here in New York and see which way the hypocrites jump.
5. The continuing disgrace of the National "Catholic" Reporter hits a new low, publishing an article entitled "I'm a Pro-Choice Catholic". (I won't link to the actual article because I don't want to hang a millstone around anyone's neck). The piece was written by a young woman who is also an advocate for women priests (Strike Two!) and a leader in Call to Action (Strike Three!). There is only one conclusion from her attitude towards conscience and Church teaching, and for the results she reaches through her erroneous judgment and clouded reason -- she's a protestant (i.e., she believes ultimately in the infallible authority of her own private judgment) not a Catholic, and in integrity she should find a nice protestant community that suits her interests. Why does any Catholic parish, priest, religious, layperson, or school continue to subscribe to this awful, awful newspaper?
6. Outstanding piece by Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review Online about our new Archbishop.
7. Happy Pulaski Day to our Polish comrades. Eternal gratitude to the General for helping us win independence, and for giving his life for our glorious cause.
8. Posted over the weekend at my official ArchNY blog about the Silent No More witness in City Hall Park. Blogging today about the President's latest moves.
Monday, March 2, 2009
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