1. Hundreds of thousands come to Washington for the March for Life, and the media yawns (see here and here). Not that this is unexpected -- I consider media hostility to be kind of a "dog bites man" story. On the other hand, here's a great piece on what it was like to be on the Mall yesterday.
2. Meanwhile the 100% anti-life President wastes no time, re-affirming his support for killing unborn children, and likely overturning the Mexico City policy today. No change that I can believe in.
3. The 100% pro-"gay" President also spoke to the Holy Father and told him that he believes in the traditional definition of marriage, despite having previously told "gay" groups that he favors same-sex "marriage" and his Administration announcing that he favors repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage in the traditional manner (see here, down the page under "Support for the LGBT Community"). You really have to have some nerve to tell a whopper like that to the Pope.
4. Alas, we will have to survive without Princess Caroline to ridicule. Thus endeth the dream that never really was Camelot. I think it was Karl Marx who said that history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.
5. Just for the record, our new Senator is no prize. In her only term, Kirsten Gillibrand managed to go 0 for 6 on pro-life issues and get herself the coveted 100% rating and an election endorsement from NARAL. She's also been endorsed by Emily's List (the pro-abortion political action committee) and attended a candidate training session from them. . She's in favor of same-sex "marriage" too. And it's even better -- she's Catholic! Ugh.
6. On the bright side, 21 days to pitchers and catchers.
7. Also on the bright side, albeit a bit weirdly obsessive, is a hilarious re-working of the Odyssey, now called "The Idiossey", with our new President -- Obamacles -- as the hero. It's long, and has some vulgarity, but it's worth the effort. The one thing that self-important people can't stand it ridicule (trust me, I know).
8. Blogged the other day on my official ArchNy site on my son becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus. Blogging today on the March.
Friday, January 23, 2009
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