Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hoopla and Reality

1. Now that all the hoopla is over, we can get back to reality, namely that the 100% anti-life President will soon overturn the Mexico City policy, which bans federal funding for the international wing of the Cult of Moloch. It may happen as soon as tomorrow. Whether or not it is tomorrow ("Welcome to Washington, pro-lifers!") it will happen soon.

2. Here's an excellent overview of what life will be like (i.e., very short, for some) under the new "abortocratic" Administration.

3. It's also worthwhile to recall the reasons to be skeptical that the new President will have an easy road ahead.

4. The coronation of Her Grace, Princess Caroline, may come as soon as this Saturday. Oh, let us peons rejoice!

5. The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment has set up an "Email Congress" page. Individualized emails are an effective advocacy tool, so adapt their form email with your own thoughts, and let your Congressional representatives hear from you.

6. Okay, this is really getting too close to blasphemy -- the new President as the Lamb of God. People need to stop and take a couple of deep breaths here.

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