1. The Solons of the New York State Assembly voted to fundamentally overturn the foundation of civil society (i.e., they voted to change marriage into something it is not). Please pray for the fortitude of the few State Senators who are still holding onto their reason. Don't get too pessimistic about the alleged momentum of the same-sex "marriage" movement -- it's not the juggernaut appears to be. And, just in case you wonder why the Northeast is going over the ledge on this issue, it has to do with the separation of religion from politics. The exception so far is heavily Catholic Rhode Island, which has a very assertive bishop. No surprise there.
2. Here's the full version of Joseph Bottum's First Things article on the NDU mess.
3. If you haven't done so yet, please read Archbishop Burke's (long) address to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on the obligations and role of Catholics in the public square. If you're time-deprived, read instead Kathryn Jean Lopez' interview with the Archbishop.
4. Ross Douthat on the Administration's strategy to win the culture war on pro-life issues and same-sex "marriage". Remember that in politics "bringing people together" is a code for "defeating them and making them fall in line".
5. Here's what George Weigel said at Mt. St. Mary's commencement last week. Wow, what a concept -- an actual Catholic, speaking to the grads of a Catholic school, talking about what it is to be a Catholic. Maybe other universities could take note? Actually, the presidents of the Catholic colleges seem to be too busy pondering and parsing the Bishops' prohibition against honoring those whose public positions violate the moral law, trying to find some ambiguity in the emanations and penumbras. Good use of all that higher education.
6. Americans United for Life give us a scouting report on potential Supreme Court nominees. It's worse than the Yankees bench, and that's saying a lot.
7. There isn't even a health care "reform" bill in Congress yet and people are already openly talking about letting elderly people die in order to save money.
8. Sweden, that oh-so-civilized country that is being held up to us as a model of modern living for ultimate human happiness, has decided now to allow people to kill their unborn children if they're not happy with their sex. Very civilized.
9. Christopher West explains the correct context of some of his remarks on ABC News the other night. Not everybody is buying it. To be honest, I do buy it. Christopher has a well-deserved reputation for being rock solid on substance, but out-on-the-edge in presentation at times. Let's cut the guy some slack, he's done more to promote Theology of the Body than anyone not named John Paul.
10. Blogged the other day about Catholic identity and abortion. I'll blog later today about the Knights of Columbus prayer rally in Albany, and the vote on same-sex "marriage".
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
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