Friday, May 29, 2009

Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge

1. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. It's okay, the White House whispers out of the side of its mouth to the pro-abortion lobby, you don't have anything to worry about with this new Supreme Court nominee. The pro-abortion groups have gotten the message.

2. More breakthroughs in adult cells, including a current therapy for sight loss and new ways to reprogram them into pluripotent stem cells (i.e., the functional equivalent of embryonic stem cells): here and here. Why is the government not putting the bulk of its resources into this approach?

3. Here's Robert George's statement from his debate the other day with Prof. Doug Kmiec about the President's record.

4. Lies, damned lies, statistics, and agendas. Prof. Doug Kmiec and Fr. Richard McBrien have both recently cited the utterly false and repeatedly discredited "statistic" that abortions and abortion rates rose during the various Bush Administrations, in order to make the point that Democratic policies actually reduce abortions. Prof. Michael New, the real expert on this, replies with the actual facts, namely that abortions and abortion rates declined under both Republican Administrations, as they generally have done since about 1980; he also reminds us that pro-life state laws, not economic policies, have the most impact on the incidence of abortion. Smart guys, why can't they look up the facts?

5. Only in the bizarre surreal world of the United Nations would a ban on abortions be viewed as "torture". Take special note from that piece that Amnesty International takes the same position. I say this with sadness as a former member of Amnesty, but the next time they want to start up a group in your school, or do a fund-raiser in your church, ask them about this. Show them this statement by the President of the USCCB. Then say "no thanks" and invite in groups like "Aid to the Church in Need" instead.

6. If you want a quick summary of the "legal realism" school of thought, which the new nominee to the Supreme Court reflects (and which is the staple of modern legal education), see here. As we law students quickly realized, "legal realism" is basically a justification for judges deciding cases according to their own interests and values. As every lawyer knows, sometimes when you go into court, it's not an even playing field, but it's two against one -- your adversary and the judge are both against you. Is that justice?

7. Where are things heading when you need a permit to have a private bible study in your home? They need a lawyer who's familiar with the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000, which was supposed to stop this kind of nonsense.

8. The celebrities are coming out of the woodwork to stump for same-sex "marriage".

9. Celebrity priest Fr. Alberto Cutie, who was photographed canoodling with a woman on the beach, and later went on TV to proclaim his lack of repentance for his incontinence, has suddenly become an Episcopalian deacon (no year-long RCIA or four years of seminary in the Church of What's Happening Now, I guess). And, showing boatloads of class, he didn't even tell his bishop he was leaving. Let's see, we got Fr. Rutler, they get "Fr. Oprah". Heh.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Same-sex "Marriage" is not Inevitable

1. The polls continue to show that same-sex "marriage" is far from inevitable. It is opposed by a majority of Americans, and the percentage in favor has declined. Analysis. Original polling data. Have they hit the high-water mark? Even the Governor of Nevada -- home of the quickie Elvis marriage -- has vetoed a domestic partner bill.

2. Maggie Gallagher's National Organization for Marriage has started their ad campaign in NY. Of course, the Times can't resist themselves, calling NOM a "Christian group" (which it isn't), apparently believing that is a slur. The other side has their own YouTube video up about the "24 Days to Marriage in NY", but I won't supply the link because I decline to propagate such propaganda. Sadly, instead of fighting, some Catholics seem to want to throw in the towel -- Prof. Doug Kmiec is in favor of eliminating marriage in civil law and replacing it with neutral civil unions, an idea Robert George calls a terrible idea.

3. Meanwhile, the Proposition 8 battle has moved to the federal courts. This is troublesome, since the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is notoriously "progressive" (remember they were the ones to discover a right to assisted suicide years ago). Gee, do you think that elections -- and thus judicial appointments -- don't matter?

4. Pro-abortion groups claim to be uncertain about the positions of the Supreme Court nominee. Yeah, I'm sure they're real nervous about this one. As for the nominee's lack of respect for the rule of law, see here and here. Take the blindfold off of Lady Justice and forget about the equal scales.

5. Oklahoma has banned sex-selection abortions.

6. The next battle begins to loom. The USCCB has issued a statement on universal health insurance (which the bishops have supported since 1919, by the way), warning that any plan should not include abortion coverage. Press release. Official statement by Bishop Murphy of Rockville Centre.

7. Wesley Smith on the dangers of a pro-suicide culture.

8. Now that Scientific American has admitted it, are we permitted to point out that embryonic stem cell research isn't the panacea that the advocates have hyped? Oh, wait a minute, we've been pointing it out all along.

9. The forces of tolerance file harassing frivolous lawsuits against the Church to try to force us out of the public square in the Maine same-sex "marriage" fight. Can't wait for them to get all magnanimous and "live-and-let-live" after they win.

10. The next time somebody tries to argue that waterboarding isn't torture, point them to this. The next time somebody tries to argue that we should do it anyway, point them to this: Romans 3:8.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Impartiality and Judges

1. On the impartiality of judges and the oath of office, in this age of identity politics, see here, here, and here.

2. The Vatican newspaper, which has been criticized for undermining the US Bishops' critique of Administration policies, is starting to get on board. The editor, however, still does not understand why we consider the President to be "pro-abortion". See my blog post today for reasons why we consider the President and others to be "pro-abortion".

3. The USCCB's statement on the new stem cell policies. In short, the guidelines ignore science, ethics and the humanity of the human embryo. Cardinal George calls on the President to live up to his word -- you talk about protecting conscience, now's the time to prove it.

4. Hadley Arkes sees the reality behind the "reducing unintended pregnancy" stuff coming out of the Administration.

5. Mark Shea precisely diagnoses the slide from morality towards tyranny, thanks to the breakdown in moral principles on marriage and sexuality. Part One here.

6. Brave New World, coming to a school district near you -- indoctrinating public school kids on homosexuality.

7. Still a close call on the same-sex "marriage" bill in Albany. Maggie Gallagher crunches the poll numbers.

8. Perhaps at some point people would actually read what Cardinal Bernadin said, and stop misusing him as a poster-boy for the notion that abortion is of equal importance with other issues.

9. Hey, somebody's trying to introduce more modest swimwear for women. Finally, a calendar I can post at work.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

They Finally Tell the Truth

1. In an unguarded moment, the Administration's point woman on dialogue about abortion (and a former board member of Emily's List, the pro-abortion PAC) gave the game away: "It is not our goal to reduce the number of abortions… [the goal is to] reduce the need for abortions." Note the subtle difference in language, and understand the huge practical difference -- their plan is to flood the nation with contraceptives while keeping abortion as a back-stop, not to actually do anything that will reduce the number of abortions.

2. Keep your eyes on the news at around 1 p.m. today -- the California Supreme Court will release it's decision on the challenge to Proposition 8, which retained the authentic definition of marriage. Isn't it bizarre that we're waiting for a half-dozen lawyers to emerge from behind the Wizard of Oz's curtain to announce whether black will be white, and white black?

UPDATE: Proposition 8 upheld by the California Supreme Court.

3. It appears that the President has chosen Second Circuit judge Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court. While it's nice that she's a graduate of Cardinal Spellman High School (a few years ahead of me), it's exceedingly unlikely that her Catholic education will make any difference in rulings on the sanctity of human life. For a quick overview of her record as a judicial activist, see here.

4. Moloch is always hungry for human babies. Now the biotech industry is not satisfied with the President's new stem cell guidelines, and want them amended to allow them to create new human lives so that they can be dismembered for spare parts.

5. Meanwhile, the ironies of the Culture of Death continue to amass -- it appears that Downs Syndrome babies, who are being sytematically eradicated prior to birth, may hold the key to some cancer cures.

6. Reason number 98,765,435,498,469,843,543,854 why parents should be very leery about sending their children to "Catholic" colleges. Seattle University, a school in the Jesuit tradition, hosts a "Faith and Reproductive Justice" seminar, featuring all pro-abortion speakers, including a clergy person representing of the Temple of Moloch, er, I mean Planned Parenthood -- on Ascension Thursday.

7. Well, what a surprise! States that funded abstinence education programs have fewer teen abortions than states that rejected the funding. Not that evidence means anything to Congress or our New York State Legislature.

8. The Cult of Moloch wants to go on the air, so the government in the UK is considering allowing abortion centers to advertise on TV and radio.

9. But here are ten signs of hope from the National Catholic Register. Here's one they should have mentioned as well: Summorum Pontificum.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Last Words (I Hope) about Notre Dame

1. See my blog for an exchange of emails I had with Fr. James Martin, regarding his comments on CNN the other night. I apologize to Fr. Martin for the snarkiness of my email yesterday, although, as you will see from my email to him, I stand by my criticism of his remarks.

2. All sorts of stuff about the NDResponse protest of the President's appearance at NDU. I can't help but pass on another article by Kathryn Jean Lopez about NDU.

3. Here's a five-point "test of seriousness" to see if the President is really interested in "dialogue". Some Congressmen are also issuing a challenge to the President on his conscience clause promise.

4. We are now apparently going to "outsource" human drug trials to the developing world. This should worry all of us, since it is specifically designed to evade annoying ethical requirements.

5. The effort in Maine to overturn the same-sex "marriage" law advances another step.

6. Based on what's going on in Spain, guess what's coming our way, in the not too distant future -- educational curricula that indoctrinate in homosexuality.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Missing an Opportunity it on National TV

1. Fr. James Martin, SJ, editor of America magazine, flubbed what it means to be pro-life on national TV the other day. He hasn't gotten the memo about the uniqueness and centrality of abortion as a social justice issue, and the way he speaks about pro-lifers makes me wonder what kind of pro-lifers he knows ("for a lot of people in the pro-life movement, life begins at conception, but seems to end there" -- does this describe anyone any of us knows?). Perhaps he might find the time to re-read "Living the Gospel of Life" by the US Bishops, or visit the Sisters of Life to see what real pro-lifers are like. Or he might check into what Bishop Finn (you remember him, a strong critic of NDU) is up to -- leading a prayer vigil as Missouri resumes executions. (UPDATE: see my official ArchNY blog for some interesting correspondence I've had with Fr. Martin).

2. Article from the Times about the still-forming opposition to same-sex "marriage" in New York. Maggie Gallagher gives an overview of the effects of SSM -- not surprisingly, a decline in the belief that kids need a mom and a dad, and a growing belief that it is risky to express opposition to SSM.

3. The president of a school called Trinity University, which apparently considers itself to be a Catholic college, has pointed to two of their alums, Nancy Pelosi and Kathleen Sebelius, as models of the education provided by that supposedly Catholic school. She actually meant this as a positive statement. No, seriously. Really.

4. Opinion polls show that people want the President to appoint a "conservative" or "moderate" justice of the Supreme Court. But listen to what he said on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

5. If the President wants dialogue with pro-lifers and to find common ground, how about talking about the pain caused to unborn children by abortion. Yes, let's talk science for a while.

6. Buried deep in another opinion poll is yet another indication that more people call themselves "pro-life" than "pro-chocie". Another poll shows that American Catholics have a positive view of the Holy Father. That's pretty good since we are, after all, Catholics.

7. Interesting take on why modern debates are so awful -- "some people are jerks and some people are too nice". His advice -- speak the truth with love, even if that means you're not considered to be "nice".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reaction to the Travesty

1. Archbishop Chaput critiques NDU. So does Bishop Finn. George Weigel. Yuval Levin, who sees good signs for pro-lifers. William McGurn. Fr. Brammwell makes a good point about NDU's Catholicism actually resembling low-church Protestantism.

2. Others are unhappy with him too. He couldn't even make a pro-abortion feminist happy because he didn't promote abortion enough while he spoke at NDU. America magazine was unimpressed (in a pretty good analysis of the weaknesses of the speech). Still, the ACLU is pretty happy with the First 100 Days and "reproductive rights".

3. The rally in response to the President's award was very impressive. Nice eyewitness account. News coverage here.

4. In our own backyard, there's always Fordham, honoring Mayor Condom, er, I mean Mayor Bloomberg and giving Senator Roe V. Wade, er, I mean Senator Schumer a platform, without bothering to consult with the Archbishop of New York.

5. A reasonably fair article from Time on the shift towards pro-life in public opinion. I dispute the comment that the President isn't interested in the "culture wars" -- he's acutely interested in winning them, and he has been relentless in promoting pro-abortion policies while speaking in "moderate" tones. That's his strategy for victory, folks.

6. More on the various proposals -- real and phony -- for "abortion reduction".

7. Large rally in the City Sunday against same-sex "marriage". Meanwhile, the forces of tolerance are now engaged in invading churches and disrupting services because the church doesn't accept same-sex "marriage".

8. Great column by Ross Douthat in the Times, of all places, on the choice between Jesus and Dan Brown.

9. Nice music video promoting the Rosary.

Monday, May 18, 2009


1. The speech was so full of sophistry and empty slogans that it scarcely bears analysis, and if you can read the whole thing you're a better man than I. Here's Amy Welborn's take on it. Kathryn Jean Lopez. Ralph McInerney.

2. The money quote from Amy: "That's the basic question, with all of its many implications. Do you recognize the preborn baby, even in the midst of the complexities of its young life, dwelling within the body of another, living with her own complexities in a complex, pluralistic society - as "the least among us" or do you not?" Want to know what the answer was from NDU? Just think of the back-slapping and the standing ovation given at an institution named for the Mother of God to an apologist, facilitator, and advocate for the modern-day slaughter of the innocents. To illustrate that, just look at the front page picture in the Washington Post, which speaks volumes. Is this how the early Church Fathers would have related to Caesar? How about the Prophets -- anybody recall any back-slapping by Isaiah to Ahaz?

3. Jody Bottum tries again to put the NDU situation in context, in response to critics of his argument about Catholic culture.

4. Yet another reason why no rational, fair-minded person should ever read Time magazine -- its bizarre, nasty story about the NDU situation. You have to love the characterization of the opposition to the NDU award as "a small but vocal minority". Yeah, only 70 of the Apostles Among Us and 360,000+ others.

5. Remember, when the President speaks of reducing abortions, he's talking about funneling money to Planned Parenthood, flooding the country with contraceptives, and polluting the minds of the youth with biased sex education. He does not support authentic measures to directly encourage women to keep their babies. Watch what he does, not what he says.

6. On the good news front, the Oklahoma legislature has passed a bill banning all cloning.

7. Sociologist Charles Murray documents the disturbing trend in the "white underclass" away from marriage and towards out-of-wedlock births (70% illegitimacy now among poor whites).

8. Gotta love this headline: "Priest says good sex in marriage is alright". Who knew?

9. I'll blog later today about the whole NDU thing, for the last time.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Good News, For Once

1. Good news, for once. According to a new Gallup poll, more Americans describe themselves as pro-life than "pro-choice" for the first time. There's even more encouraging numbers further down in the poll -- more women are pro-life than "pro-choice", a large majority of people support restrictions on abortion, etc. Send a copy to your legislator today.

2. George Weigel wonders what Church NDU belongs to, and notes the political strategy being pursued by the Administration to separate Catholic voters from the bishops. Even the Times sees the political problems that the President has found himself in on abortion. Meanwhile, Gerard Bradley, law professor at NDU, offers the insider's view, namely that this is nothing new for the university.

3. Here's a great quote from a letter from retired Bishop John Yanta of Amarillo to NDU: " In conscience I can no longer support Notre Dame as a Catholic College. I am deeply offended how you treat my wife of 54 years, the Church I love whose head is Jesus Christ."

4. The Governor of New Hampshire has refused to sign that state's same-sex "marriage" bill unless the legislature adds adequate protection for religious liberties. In case we wonder why such protections are needed, see this story of a student dismissed from a graduate school counseling program because of her views on homosexual conduct.

5. Wesley Smith continues to point out the fundamental dishonesty of the health care "reform" debate, which refuses to confront directly the question of rationing health care (i.e., allowing patients to suffer and die because the treatment costs too much).

6. Do you want to see consequentialism in all its smug ugliness? Then read this article from the Wall Street Journal, which basically argues that in war, anything goes in order to win, including deliberately incinerating thousands of innocent civilians. Then read the pertinent sections of the Catechism: here and here.

7. The Holy Father stands in the footsteps of the Apostle Peter at the empty tomb and proclaims anew the Easter truth -- Christ is risen!.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spin, Spin, Spin, to What End?

1. Fr. Jenkins of NDU spins, spins, spins in a letter to the graduates, and still shows no signs of awareness of the problem. Disturbing line in the letter: "a Catholic university has a special obligation not just to honor the leader, but to engage the culture". Um, sorry, Father, but our "leader" is Jesus Christ, not a temporary office holder, and the obligation is not to "engage" the culture but to transform it in light of the Gospel of Christ (see Lumen Gentium 36). Meanwhile, alums are withholding donations to the tune of $14 million. The White House blithely dismisses all the opposition as if it's the work of one small marginalized group. Clueless, one and all.

2. Michael Novak offers the President better advice on what to say at NDU.

3. So now that NPR has run a story on the religious liberty dangers of same-sex "marriage", will the advocates stop accusing us of fear-mongering and lying? Will our legislators now take notice of the persecution and calumny of the Church that is to come? Such as when a government-funded agency in the UK denounces those who oppose homosexual adoption as "retarded homophobes".

4. So who cares about marriage anyway? Perhaps the 40% of American children, born out of wedlock, who are probably going to be growing up in a stable family that has both a mother and a father in their lives, might have a concern in this regard. Social engineering produces results, and the product isn't good.

5. The Nigerian bishops issue a statement in support of the Holy Father's position on HIV/AIDS and condoms.

6. Beautiful story of a mother who sacrificed herself by foregoing cancer treatment that would harm her unborn child. St. Gianna, please pray for her and her family.

7. Interesting reflection by Fr. James Schall on the problems with speaking of "rights" that are rooted only in man-made law, instead of in the natural law.

8. You don't often see someone excommunicate themselves by an openly schismatic act. Yet a deacon of the Diocese of Scranton, has announced that he will leave the True Church and risk his immortal soul by joining the Church of What's Happening Now. Please pray for his return to the faith.

9. The Anchoress, apropos of the Miss California flap, offers sound advice to all, especially to Christian women: don't take your shirt off, and don't let others use you as an object. Please.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Re-defining Society

1. The Solons of the New York State Assembly voted to fundamentally overturn the foundation of civil society (i.e., they voted to change marriage into something it is not). Please pray for the fortitude of the few State Senators who are still holding onto their reason. Don't get too pessimistic about the alleged momentum of the same-sex "marriage" movement -- it's not the juggernaut appears to be. And, just in case you wonder why the Northeast is going over the ledge on this issue, it has to do with the separation of religion from politics. The exception so far is heavily Catholic Rhode Island, which has a very assertive bishop. No surprise there.

2. Here's the full version of Joseph Bottum's First Things article on the NDU mess.

3. If you haven't done so yet, please read Archbishop Burke's (long) address to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on the obligations and role of Catholics in the public square. If you're time-deprived, read instead Kathryn Jean Lopez' interview with the Archbishop.

4. Ross Douthat on the Administration's strategy to win the culture war on pro-life issues and same-sex "marriage". Remember that in politics "bringing people together" is a code for "defeating them and making them fall in line".

5. Here's what George Weigel said at Mt. St. Mary's commencement last week. Wow, what a concept -- an actual Catholic, speaking to the grads of a Catholic school, talking about what it is to be a Catholic. Maybe other universities could take note? Actually, the presidents of the Catholic colleges seem to be too busy pondering and parsing the Bishops' prohibition against honoring those whose public positions violate the moral law, trying to find some ambiguity in the emanations and penumbras. Good use of all that higher education.

6. Americans United for Life give us a scouting report on potential Supreme Court nominees. It's worse than the Yankees bench, and that's saying a lot.

7. There isn't even a health care "reform" bill in Congress yet and people are already openly talking about letting elderly people die in order to save money.

8. Sweden, that oh-so-civilized country that is being held up to us as a model of modern living for ultimate human happiness, has decided now to allow people to kill their unborn children if they're not happy with their sex. Very civilized.

9. Christopher West explains the correct context of some of his remarks on ABC News the other night. Not everybody is buying it. To be honest, I do buy it. Christopher has a well-deserved reputation for being rock solid on substance, but out-on-the-edge in presentation at times. Let's cut the guy some slack, he's done more to promote Theology of the Body than anyone not named John Paul.

10. Blogged the other day about Catholic identity and abortion. I'll blog later today about the Knights of Columbus prayer rally in Albany, and the vote on same-sex "marriage".

Monday, May 11, 2009

Catholic Culture and Abortion

1. An absolute must-read article by Jody Bottum on Catholic culture and the NDU situation. His basic thesis is that opposition to abortion is central to Catholic culture and identity in the United States, and the many prominent Catholics, like the leadership of NDU, just haven't grasped that fact.

2. A Jesuit from Georgetown takes NDU to task.

3. A gay rights activist on the President's advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships takes the opportunity to insult Pope Benedict, saying that he is "insulting Jesus" by his criticism of condoms for HIV prevention, and that the Church is "hurting people in the name of Jesus" and justifying violence against homosexuals. This is the same individual who previously called the Holy Father a "discredited leader" and the Knights of Columbus "foot soldiers of a discredited army of oppression" because of the Knights’ support of Proposition 8 in California. How much more demonic anti-Catholic junk does it take to get fired by the President?

4. Meanwhile, on the Planet Earth, the Holy Father puts things in the right perspective. I especially loved the comment that the Church is not a political force, but a spiritual force. Amen to that.

5. Outstanding article by a New York seminarian on the need for objective moral principles, and the dangers of consequentialism, when discussing significant public issues like torture and stem cell research.

6. Doctors in Washington State are declining to cooperate in assisted suicide requests, citing moral obligations. This is authentic heroism, because you know that the powers-that-be will come after them for "unprofessional conduct".

7. Mother's Day was yesterday, and the Temple of Moloch, er, I mean Planned Parenthood, used it to raise money so they can kill more babies and ruin the lives of more moms. Disgusting quote of the day from the pitch letter: "There is no organization that I know of that supports motherhood and all that it means more than Planned Parenthood." Here are two numbers to keep in mind about this -- 305,310 (the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in 2007/2008), and 0 (the number of babies born at Planned Parenthood clinics in 2007/2008). Mothers Day? Or Mourners Day?

8. In contrast, a beautiful article about mothers who bore their babies despite an adverse pre-natal diagnosis. Towards the end they quote our friend Theresa Bonapartis of Lumina, the ministry to post-abortive men and women.

9. Blogged over the weekend about my experiences at the Witness for Life outside the Planned Parenthood clinic last week. Please check it out, and let me know what you think. No Varia tomorrow -- I'm off to Albany with my brother Knights of Columbus (i.e., the "army of oppression") to wield our Rosaries at the prayer rally on the steps of the Capital.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Our Pro-Life President. Not.

1. Yeah, that President, he's really pro-life and wants to reduce abortions, right? Just look at his budget, which would require taxpayer funding for abortions in the District of Columbia, which already has an astronomically high abortion rate already. Comment, Fr. Reese?

2. Oh, no, same-sex "marriage" won't put us on a slippery slope to anything. More like an elevator shaft, actually. Meanwhile, the gay rights crowd is getting impatient with the President. I guess they figure that after he's done pretty much everything the pro-abortion crowd has expected in the First Hundred Days, it's their turn.

3. There is hope, however. Christopher West was profiled by ABC News. Set aside their silly characterization of him as a "sex therapist", and some of Christopher's embarrasing rhetorical excesses, and it's actually a pretty good piece. The interview will be aired tonight on Nightline at 11:35.

4. I have no use for American Idol, but they're going to air a pro-life commercial during an upcoming episode.

5. Archbishop Chaput warns of the threat of losing our religious liberty.

6. A good argument could be made for the proposition that pretty much nobody in Washington has a shred of integrity on the issue of torture right now. See here and here. It's a very depressing spectacle, hypocrisy, partisanship, and moral blindness, all in one package.

7. Maine citizens take matters into their own hands, try to overturn their state's new same-sex "marriage" law.

8. Finally, something Congress may get right -- going after those awful, cringe-inducing TV ads for male assistance pills.

9. Great -- the First Lady says this just in time for Mother's Day. How am I going to get out of this one?

10. Blogging today on the same-sex "marriage" debate I participated in the other night.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Things I'll Never See

1. You know what I would love to see someday, but never will? World peace; an end to racial hatred; dogs and cats getting along; an end to "American Idol". Oh, and Fr. Thomas Reese, SJ, publicly supporting the bishops on an issue involving the defense of human life. The whole thing is sad and tawdry reading, especially since it is a priest of Jesus Christ speaking with such patent disdain and dislike for His Apostles Among Us, while at the same time acting as an unapologetic apologist for the 100% anti-life policies of the President.

2. For the real assessment of what the First 100 Days truly means, see this from the indispensable Fr. Thomas Berg.

3. For a perfect illustration of Fr. Berg's thesis, see how the Administration moves on its effort to find "common ground" on reducing abortion. Here are the issues the White House wants to talk about: "sex education; responsible use of contraception; maternal and child health; pregnancy discrimination in the workplace and elsewhere; and adoption". Um, if we want to reduce abortions, shouldn't we actually come up with ways to discourage out-of-wedlock sex, or at least to talk about the negative consequences of abortion? Any wonder why Doug Johnson of National Right to Life (who wasn't even invited to the table) calls this "a political hoax"? Perhaps the White House might want to consider enlisting some abstinence speakers, like Bristol Palin. Another thing for my "I'll never see it" list.

4. Same-sex "marriage" advocates are so eager to brand everyone who opposes them as a "bigot". But it backfired on them in DC, when African-American ministers objected, showing once again that the passage of SSM bills will only lead to more conflict and tension. Up on Capitol Hill, the Speaker -- no doubt a "bigot" too -- wants Congress to stay out of the SSM debate.

5. Kathryn Jean Lopez is, as always, right on target, citing more evidence that the forces of "tolerance" will destroy all who stand in their way, but also getting at a more basic problem -- the need for decency.

6. For the future of health care in America, look to Ireland, where national health care results in dying patients being put on waiting lists for hospice care, including basic pain relief.

7. Remember that picture of the baby's hand reaching from the womb to grasp the doctor's finger? Here's a nice interview with the boy, now nine years old and grateful that God used him that way.

8. The students of ND Response have set up a parallel schedule for commencement day. Meanwhile, we have the sad news that another good man, Alan Keyes, has descended to the level of pointless grandstanding.

9. The headline says it all: " Men want 'macho' hymns, fewer flowers and less dancing in church". I don't care about the flowers, and I hate "How Great Thou Art", but I'd stand on my head and light my hair on fire if that would make liturgical dance go away forever.

10. Thanks for the prayers about the debate last night. I'll blog about it today or tomorrow to give you the full scoop.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Appalling Pro-Abortion Vice President

1. A horrifying and disgusting story about how then-Senator Joseph Biden rejoiced -- "laughing and crying" -- when the Supreme Court upheld the right to abortion in the Casey decision, thanks to the pro-abortion vote of Justice Souter. This, from a person who purports to be a Catholic. Tell me again -- how is being "pro-choice" not exactly the same thing as being pro-abortion?

2. Ill-informed Europeans and Americans get the headlines, but the bishops of the Congo, who have to face the issue daily, will get no attention when they support the Holy Father's statements on condoms and HIV/AIDS. They say what everyone really knows -- condoms are not the solution, but are part of the problem.

3. Quite a while ago, I noted a horrible bill in Texas that would reduce the criminal penalties for infanticide, if a mother kills her baby due to post-partum depression. Sponsored, of course, by a "Catholic" adherent to the full Cult of Moloch. The bill is moving forwards.

4. Bishop Leonard Blair of Toledo buts the kibosh on an event by New Ways Ministry, the pro-gay "Catholic" operation (pro-same-sex "marriage", the whole nine yards). The worst part? The event was to take place at the convent of a women's religious community. Gee, wonder why the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith wants to evaluate the fidelity of women's religious communities?

5. Maine moves a step closer. The District of Columbia will recognize out-of-state same-sex "marriages". Oddly, the infamous Marion Barry cast the only dissenting vote (jeez, what allies we have!). This will be interesting to watch, since Congress can overrule the City Council's decision (remember, DC is a federal entity, and Congress has final jurisdiction over it). What will the Democratic majority in Congress do? Meanwhile, Maggie Gallagher is still optimistic.

6. Randall Terry, professional pain in the nether regions. Now he's gotten himself arrested for trespassing on the NDU campus. It's not all about you, Randall. Let the students and the truth tell the story.

7. Cognitive dissonance alert -- the Times tries to talk about the grief after miscarriage. As usual, ignoring the gigantic elephant in the room.

8. Please pray for the success and safety of the Holy Father in his Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

9. Please pray for me -- this evening I'm participating in a public debate in Rockland County on same-sex "marriage". My watchword is Ephesians 6:10-17.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Listen to the Students Now

1. Nice new video from ND Response, with very articulate students speaking for themselves.

2 Powerhouse sermon by Bishop Thomas Wenski of Orlando, at the Mass of Reparation for sins against human life (a Mass requested by NDU alums in his diocese). He is particularly critical of complacency and the desire for respectability. Didn't Uncle Screwtape write something about the same thing?

3. Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon will miss out on the experience of addressing thousands of NDU graduates who would no doubt have listened to her every word, rapt with attention. As a consolation prize, she gets to deliver an address to the Holy Father on human rights. There are honors, and there are honors.

4. Here's Part Two of the analysis of the racist origins of American "family planning" policies.

5. Fr. Edward Oakes, SJ, asks the question is whether the President can be converted on abortion. He finds hope in the President's evident discomfort in being compared to Sen. Stephen Douglass, Abraham Lincoln's old "pro-choice" nemesis. And, since First Things is into conversions today, they imagine the turn-around of Michael Fox on stem cell research.

6. Maggie Gallagher points to hardball politics by same-sex "marriage" supporters in New Hampshire, threatening political retaliation against real marriage supporters (original story here). And she asks precisely the correct question -- why do we think that the brass-knuckles crowd will break out all magnanimous once SSM laws are passed?

7. College campuses (especially "Catholic" ones) tempted to permit a showing of the "V Monologues" should promote instead the "Vitae Monologues", a play about the effects of abortion on women and men.

8. Here's the answer that will appeal to Americans -- let's make torture safe, legal and rare.

9. On the Day of Prayer for Vocations, the Holy Father calls for more holy married couples.

Monday, May 4, 2009

An Alumna Speaks

1. A beautiful reflection by a NDU alumna, which should be required reading for the university administration, board of trustees and fellows. The last line of the piece is a knock-out blow.

2. Here's just about the best concise statement of the real "seamless garment" "consistent life ethic" I've seen in a long time. Amazing that it originally appeared in a rough-and-tumble combox exchange.

3. Hard to believe, but someone in the mainstream media is criticizing the idea that teenagers should be taking "emergency contraception" without a doctor's prescription. No doubt his press card will soon be pulled for his heresy.

4. If the Republicans abandon the pro-life voter, they really will go the way of the Whigs. They can't say they weren't warned.

5. Even the LA Times is permitting someone to stress the need for authentic religious protections if same-sex "marriage" laws are passed. In case anyone needs a reminder of why this is necessary, the President of Brazil is proposing to criminalize the making of statements "offensive to homosexuality", which would include disapproving of homosexual acts. Here's a detailed analysis of how the politics of denunciation by SSM advocates is corroding our political culture.

6. Doctors are being increasingly pressured into violating their Hippocratic Oath by placing an alleged "duty to society" (i.e., rationing health care) over the duty to the patient.

7. Men sometimes wonder if there are manly saints we can look to as role models and prayer patrons, aside from St. Joseph (he's awfully busy already, and I hate to bother him more than I do already). Just for the record, I have nothing against female saints or anything -- I love Joan of Arc. Well, here's two manly holy men -- St. Nuno Alvares Pereira, a great warrior of Portugal who was canonized last week, and Blessed Leo Zaisho Shichiemon, who was actually a samurai before his conversion. Cool.

8. A prostitute (well, she's actually a "porn star", but it's the same thing) is thinking of running for US Senate in Louisiana. No further comment is necessary.

9. Blogged over the weekend about the inconsistence in the President's words about torture and abortion, and about the vacancy on the Supreme Court.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Abortion Support Falls -- Wonder Why?

1. New Pew poll shows that support for abortion has fallen since last year -- "The proportion saying that abortion should be legal in all or most cases has declined to 46% from 54% last August". You think it might have something to do with the policies of the 100% anti-life President having awakened people? Or the increasing assertiveness of our bishops in defending the dignity of life?

2. No surprise, but Bishop Martino of Scranton has publicly called on Sen. Bob Casey (who voted for Gov. Sebelius' nomination to head HHS) to reflect on his inconsistent record on life issues. No doubt the secular media will describe this as "pro-lifer lashing out".

3. An excellent essay exploring the eugenic origins of federal "family planning" policies, so much a favorite of the Administration and the Congressional leadership. That article is Part One; Part Two will follow next week. Just so that it's clear, the obsession with "family planning" and abortion is not just a domestic policy matter, but is at the heart of American foreign policy now, as pointed out by the indispensable Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute.

4. Now Maine. Even though polls continue to show a majority of Americans oppose same-sex "marriage".

5. Justice David Souter -- one of the worst Supreme Court appointments in modern memory -- may be leaving the Court in June. Souter was horrible, but given the makeup of Congress, and the expressed desire of the 100% anti-life President to apply a pro-abortion litmus test for Court appointments, things are likely to get worse.

6. From the "Repeating History But Failing to Learn From It" File, the Republican Party has decided that its renaissance will depend on domestic policy issues (i.e., money), and not "social issues" (i.e., abortion, defending marriage). Just curious, but how has the Whig Party been doing lately? Thought so.

7. Blogging later today to thank the President for breaking his campaign promise on FOCA.