Thursday, June 11, 2009

She's No Pro-Lifer

1. Don't get your hopes up that the Supreme Court nominee is a crypto-pro-lifer: she was involved in filing pro-abortion briefs in six separate legal cases. See also here, where a senator reports that she claims never to have thought about the rights of the unborn. Pretty surprising, considering that she was in a Catholic High School while abortion was being legalized in New York State -- the subject never came up in conversation, much less in class?

2. At the same time, we should always recall that the idea that Catholics can't be trusted to be good citizens is an oldie but goodie of the anti-Catholic set (you remember the secret tunnel we built so the Pope can come here and rule). But here it is again, under the guise of an argument that Catholic Supreme Court judges have to step aside in certain cases (like abortion and same-sex "marriage", of course). I decline to link to the original article, but here's commentary on it. What's next, celebrating Guy Fawkes Day?

3. Ross Douthat speaks some words of wisdom about abortion -- in the Times! Hard to believe that he's going to last long there, sitting next to Maureen Dowd

4. There's a report that the Administration may be open to supporting some elements of the Pregnant Women Support Act. Seriously, though, don't get your hopes up -- they will never back some elements of the bill (support for crisis pregnancy centers and abstinence education) because the Cult of Moloch, er, I mean Planned Parenthood, is dead set against those, and any bill the White House proposes is going to be chock full of contraceptives. Still, if the Administration is willing to support any real pro-life initiative, we should look it over.

5. Leave it to Fr. Rutler to go all the way back to ancient Rome, Renaissance Italy, and the Abolitionist movement to explain some of the deeper meaning of the Tiller murder.

6. A valuable reflection on the verbal engineering by the "gay rights" movement.

7. Helen Alvare on the consequences of the growth in out-of-wedlock childbearing.

8. A man who stopped to ask for directions wound up getting severely beaten with his own golf clubs. That's exactly why we never do it, ladies.

9. I would be happy to explain to people just what is going on in Albany, but I am not a science fiction writer. I did blog about our pilgrimage there on Tuesday, so check it out. My take is, the more chaos, the better the chances are that they'll just close up shop and go home without giving us same-sex "marriage" or a state FOCA. But it's all up for grabs up there. Pray; then write, email and call your Senator; rinse and repeat.

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