Friday, May 15, 2009

Good News, For Once

1. Good news, for once. According to a new Gallup poll, more Americans describe themselves as pro-life than "pro-choice" for the first time. There's even more encouraging numbers further down in the poll -- more women are pro-life than "pro-choice", a large majority of people support restrictions on abortion, etc. Send a copy to your legislator today.

2. George Weigel wonders what Church NDU belongs to, and notes the political strategy being pursued by the Administration to separate Catholic voters from the bishops. Even the Times sees the political problems that the President has found himself in on abortion. Meanwhile, Gerard Bradley, law professor at NDU, offers the insider's view, namely that this is nothing new for the university.

3. Here's a great quote from a letter from retired Bishop John Yanta of Amarillo to NDU: " In conscience I can no longer support Notre Dame as a Catholic College. I am deeply offended how you treat my wife of 54 years, the Church I love whose head is Jesus Christ."

4. The Governor of New Hampshire has refused to sign that state's same-sex "marriage" bill unless the legislature adds adequate protection for religious liberties. In case we wonder why such protections are needed, see this story of a student dismissed from a graduate school counseling program because of her views on homosexual conduct.

5. Wesley Smith continues to point out the fundamental dishonesty of the health care "reform" debate, which refuses to confront directly the question of rationing health care (i.e., allowing patients to suffer and die because the treatment costs too much).

6. Do you want to see consequentialism in all its smug ugliness? Then read this article from the Wall Street Journal, which basically argues that in war, anything goes in order to win, including deliberately incinerating thousands of innocent civilians. Then read the pertinent sections of the Catechism: here and here.

7. The Holy Father stands in the footsteps of the Apostle Peter at the empty tomb and proclaims anew the Easter truth -- Christ is risen!.

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