Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Headlines and Stories

1. The headline reads, "Obama boost anti-abortion efforts", but it's not another whitewash of his "abortion reduction (without doing anything to reduce abortion) policies", it's a real account of how our grassroots have been energized by his radicalism.

2. In case we need a reminder that strong marriages are worth fighting for, here's Brad Wilcox's overview of how children suffer without strong married parents. We have to keep telling our selfish culture that marriage is not all about me, it's about the gift of myself to others, for their wellbeing.

3. What is wrong with them over in Vermont? Their legislature is on the verge of passing a law that permits the distrubution of child pornography via cell phone (a disturbing phenomemon among immoral teenagers). Oh, it's okay, what's a little child porn among friends? After all, it puts us into conformity with our dear ally Saudi Arabia, which allows adult perverts to marry 8-year-old girls.

4. Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, nominee for HHS, displays her moral fiber, by showing her utter lack of commitment to the Eighth and Fifth Commandments.

5. A brief summary of the profitablility and murderous activity of the Temple of Moloch, er, I mean Planned Parenthood. The key numbers -- over 300,000 murders of children in the womb, over $350 million in taxpayer subsidies, and total revenue over $1 billion.

6. A helpful reminder from Mark Shea about what's really going on with the "gay rights" movement, and how they won't be satisfied until we all CONFORM. At the same time, we have to remember that many of our allies in this struggle are not reliable and will conform to the spirit of the age or will declare defeat before the battle is over.

7. The stopped clock syndrome strikes again. Now Al Gore is getting behind induced pluripotent stem cell initiatives as an alternative to embryonic stem cell research.

8. For those non-Catholics who sometimes wonder why we consider our priests to be heroes, here's why.

9. If you have a yearning to help mothers in need for Mother's Day, consider this request from the Sisters of Life.

10. Watch your splling: Jesus is the "Logos", not the "Legos".

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